AP-K Service
We focus on our customers. Please call if you need parts or service. We can also help you if your AP or Kimadan tanker or trailer is very old.
Slurry tank specialists
Service i Danmark
J. Hundahl
Tlf.: +45 96 17 84 00
Mail: info@hundahl.dk
Web: hundahl.dk
Tlf.: +45 60 17 81 87
Mail: tnn@m-poulsen.com
Web: m-poulsen.com
AP-K has entered into an agreement with
Espen Steffensen regarding service of
AP Slurry tankers
Espen has many years of experience from his time as an employee at AP Gyllevogne and thus knows all the products down to the last detail.
Espen Steffensen
Tlf. +45 40 46 01 34
Contact our service experts for service of Kimadan and other service related issues.
Søren Vestergård Pedersen
Tlf. +45 81 71 66 72
Spare parts
Order your parts
AP Gyllevogne og Kimadan hos din lokale forhandler eller her.
Call: +45 97 72 12 61
Do you need help?
We focus on our customers.
Please call if you need service or parts for your existing equipment or want to talk to our sales department.